Finding a New Ticketing Software for your Attraction

One of the projects we take care of most regularly for our clients is to help them procure new software systems for their tourist attractions. We help businesses serve their customers better using the right technology in the right place.

Every business is different, every business has specialist requirements, however that doesn’t mean you need a bespoke software to fit your needs. Whilst the vast array of ticketing, and other revenue management software, might be mindboggling that does mean there is usually a supplier that can meet most of your business requirements without breaking the bank. QLINE Consulting helps tourism businesses find the right solution amongst the sea of software, saving precious resource, time and money on these vital projects.

QLINE Consulting works with tourism business to scope their ticketing and CRM projects, create an overview to communicate that project internally and help them find a supplier who can fit their needs and budget. We also help implement that software, ensuring a constant supportive presence through what can be a difficult and emotional time of business change. We have held many a shaking hand as doors open for the first time or a new website it switched on, we can help you with your project.

There are a number of stages we can support your project through:

  • Scoping the project- What do you need and where do you start? Do you even need new technology or is it something else?

  • Gathering your business requirements - You know what your aims are, how can software and technology support that?

  • Managing your tender process - We manage you tender process for you, saving you from a long list of overwhelming options and providing manageable options to fit your time and budget.

  • Implementing your new system - Do you need someone on your team to get you to Go Live? We’ve done it all before and can reduce the stress on you and your team so you can continue business as normal during the changeover.

If you’re looking for a new ticketing solution, we will help find you the right software solution and ticketing partner through a well researched and managed tender processes. Give us a call and let us help you find, and implement, the right software solution to fit your business needs…


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